YARN Group opportunity

Canteen invites you to make an application to join YARN in 2024.

The role of YARN is to provide an opportunity for Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander young people to provide advice to Canteen’s Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Working Group to assist in the creation and implementation of Canteen’s RAP and in ways of working towards culturally safe and responsive practices, including:

  • providing Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander perspectives on appropriate reconciliation deliverables and initiatives 
  • providing culturally relevant feedback on ways to engage people from Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander communities that do not currently interact with Canteen  
  • providing input that informs the development of Canteen’s wider recognition and representation of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples, communities, and culture
  • engaging in ongoing Canteen projects and in skill building opportunities between meetings 


Membership involves:

  • a two-year commitment to attending YARN meetings (2 x 2 hr digital and x 2 in-person in Sydney, per year), running from January 2024 to January 2026
  • receiving cultural supervision/mentorship from Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community member(s) external to Canteen 
  • opportunities for media training to develop and empower young people to take up leadership within Canteen


Eligibility Criteria

Are you a young person who:

  • Is 18-25 years of age
  • identifies as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander
  • has been impacted by cancer
  • is able to talk about their interest within this field e.g. does this relate to a career choice or is there a personal connection?
  • is willing to commit to quarterly meetings across the two-year membership period (including any occasional skills and leadership development workshops)

Applicants who are currently engaged in Individual Support with a Canteen Psychosocial Clinician are strongly encouraged to apply.



YARN members will:   

  • actively participate in communication, activities, training and meetings 
  • communicate with the facilitator of the YARN or a Canteen staff member when unable to attend meetings   
  • contribute to discussions appropriately; share ideas, feedback and personal experiences constructively, and consider diverse ideas and perspectives to make informed decisions  
  • seek appropriate opportunities to consult with other young people living with cancer and to represent their voices
  • abide by Canteen’s policies and values
  • keep all information related to Canteen policies, finances, staff and young people confidential    
  • act with an awareness of the responsibilities of the leadership role, the vulnerability of young people living with cancer, and always maintain appropriate boundaries with Canteen’s service users
  • hold (or be willing to apply for) a current police check 
  • hold (or be willing to apply for) a current working with children's check; for those 18 years and over 
  • read and acknowledge (sign off) the child safeguarding policies; for those 18 years and over 


Canteen will:

  • always treat members of the YARN with respect and integrity   
  • endeavour to offer training and leadership opportunities 
  • provide a safe and healthy working environment   
  • provide opportunities to participate in activities, projects, advocacy, media, and events 
  • cover any costs associated with meeting attendance
  • provide cultural supervision/mentorship by an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander  person for the duration of the YARN


Application form

Please complete the following application form by Monday 10th January 2024. 

You will be notified by email of your successful application by 16th January 2024.

If you have any queries relating to your application, please forward to [email protected]